ROC XBRL Return Filing

Get ROC XBRL filings starting from ₹ 7000/-

Filed by specified companies

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File your ROC XBRL in 4-5 days

Introduction of XBRL Return Filing

XBRL stands for "EXTENSIBLE BUSINESS REPORTING LANGUAGE". XBRL is a language used for e-communication purpose of financial data and business data for business reporting. This is a standardized communication language in an electronic form used to express, report or file the Financial Statements of Companies incorporated under Companies Act, 2013. It is only a method for presentation or reporting of data. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) provides taxonomy for feeding all the financial as well non-financial data of the company like balance sheet, P&L, Board Reports, CSR Reports and other relevant taggings. XBRL is carried out through a software which helps us in tagging of all financial data electronically as provided in the taxonomy in a systematic manner. XBRL filing is done for filing the annual financial statements and Cost Audit Reports with the Registrar of Companies. It is applicable to certain specified companies which we are going to describe later on this page. Legal Window has a team of experts providing you the best assistance, timely delivery and guaranteeing the highest customer satisfaction with respect to XBRL Filing. You may get in touch with our team on 072407-51000 or email [email protected].

Applicability of XBRL Return Filing – Financial Statements

As per Companies Act, 2013, the following class of companies shall file their financial statements and other documents in XBRL form:-

Companies listed with stock exchanges in India and their Indian subsidiaries

Companies having paid up capital of five crore rupees or above

Companies having turnover of one hundred crore rupees or above

All companies which are required to prepare their financial statements in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015

The Non-banking financial companies, Housing finance companies and the Companies engaged in the business of Banking and Insurance sector are exempted from the purview of filing of financial statements under these rules.

Applicability of XBRL Return Filing – Cost Audit

As per the Companies Act, 2013 Companies covered under the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 have to furnish the cost audit report and other applicable documents in XBRL Form. 

Benefits of ROC XBRL Return Filing in Jaipur

Improved way of 

Automated data 

Reliable and


Time saving 


Safe in data 

Helps in better decision making

How Does XBRL Works

In XBRL the data can be made in a readable form with the help of two documents:

Taxonomy :- It contains the description and classification of business as well as the financial terms

Instance Document:- It is made up of the actual facts and figures

The XBRL documents are together made up of Taxonomy and Instance documents.

This process involves mapping, tagging of documents which are further reviewed, verified to validate the XBRL instance document. The generated documents are further scrutinized through a tool and an xml file is created to file with ROC.

Documents Required for XBRL Return Filing in Jaipur

Audited and adopted Financial Statements of the Company along with the relevant attachments adopted in the Annual General Meeting  

Notice of AGM and Board of Directors Report along with the relevant attachments adopted in the Annual General Meeting

DSC of authorized Director

Process of XBRL Return Filing in Jaipur

1. Complete the Application Form
You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team.

2. Document Processing
At the second step we will be requiring the documents as stated above in accordance with the questionnaire filled by you so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for further processing and will also decide the due date of filing the same.

3. Reviewing and Validating the documents
At this step we carry out various steps like mapping of documents, tagging the same and which shall be further verified and validated with the help of XBRL tools by our experts team before submission.

4. Preparation and Filing of E-forms with ROC
This is the fourth step we will prepare the E-forms AOC-4 XBRL/CRA-4 and upload the same on the portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on your behalf in the XML form specified.

5. Getting the Compliance done
The status of the form along with the challan generated online will be shared with you on the earliest basis specifying that the compliance has been made.

Get ROC XBRL Annual filings starting from ₹ 7000/-

Professional Consultation

Timely Compliance

Drafting of

Certification of E-Forms by Professionals

Help in XBRL Tools

Validation of Instance Documents

Conversion of Files into XML Format

Conversion of XML to PDF

Due Date of XBRL Return Filing

Name of E-formDue Date of FilingDue Date for FY 23-24
AOC-4 XBRL30 days from the conclusion of AGM29th October, 2024*
CRA-430 days from the receipt of cost audit report30 days from the receipt of cost audit report

The dates are subjective to change as per the Financial Year

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FAQ's on XBRL Return Filing in Jaipur

Whether annual filing in XBRL form is compulsory for all companies?

No, it is mandatory for the following companied registered under Companies Act, 2013 :-

  • companies listed with stock exchanges in India and their Indian subsidiaries;
  • companies having paid up capital of five crore rupees or above;
  • companies having turnover of one hundred crore rupees or above;
  • all companies which are required to prepare their financial statements in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015
What is the additional fees in case of delay in filing of the financial statements?

In case of delay in filing the financial statement the following fees is applicable:

Period of DelayAdditional fee payable
Delay beyond the period of thirty days from the date of Annual General MeetingRupees 100 per day


How much time does it takes to convert the documents into xml file?

It depends on the number of documents to be filed at MCA Portal and response time of MCA server for validation. It may take around 4 to 5 days to get it done.

Which companies are exempted from filing XBRL specifically?

The Non-banking financial companies, Housing finance companies and the Companies engaged in the business of Banking and Insurance sector are exempted from the purview of filing of financial statements under XBRL Rules.

Is it necessary to have a software to perform XBRL Filing?

Yes, it is mandatory to have software to perform XBRL Filing. The Government does not provide any free utility for performing this activity.

What are the fees applicable by the government for filing of e-form AOC-4 or AOC-4 (XBRL) along with the additional fees?


The following fees is applicable based on the share capital are as follows:

Nominal Share CapitalFee applicable
Less than 1,00,000Rupees 200 per document
1,00,000 to 4,99,999Rupees 300 per document
5,00,000 to 24,99,999Rupees 400 per document
25,00,000 to 99,99,999Rupees 500 per document
1,00,00,000 or moreRupees 600 per document


For the companies not having share capital Rs.200/- per document will be the fees.

What are the penal provisions applicable for non-filling of AOC-4(XBRL)?
Defaulting PartyPenalty Imposed
CompanyRs.1000 for every day of default subject to Max of Rs.10 Lakhs
  • Managing Director/Chief Financial Officer;
  • In case of the absence of the Managing Director/Chief Financial Officer then the any other Director who the Board assigns the responsibility;
  • In case of the absence of any of such Director then all directors of the company
Rs.1 Lakh
Rs.100 for each day of default subject to Max of Rs.5 Lakhs
Does the XBRL causes any change in the accounting standards?

No, XBRL is a language used for e-communication purpose of financial data and business data for business reporting. It reflects data accurately reported under different standards and does not change them.

How can I check the XML document ?

Our team will convert the XML format into pdf format and provide you for your verification.

Our company was in the purview of XBRL in the previous year, but does not meet the criteria in the current year. Do we still require to file the financial statements as per XBRL taxonomy?

Once the XBRL gets applicable and the company files the same, then it has to file the financials in XBRL only for later years whether it satisfies the criteria or not.

Due Date of Filing

Name of E-formDue Date of FilingDue Date for FY 22-23
AOC-4 XBRL30 days from the conclusion of AGM29th October, 2023*
CRA-430 days from the receipt of cost audit report30 days from the receipt of cost audit report

The dates are subjective to change as per the Financial Year